
Madaba is a combination of rural home life and a hot spot for religious tourism. Known as the “City of Mosaics”, Madaba is the cultural epicenter for Byzantine and Umayyad mosaics. Just a short distance from the capital, visitors are just a stone's throw away from the holy monuments of religious iconography.

Iraq Al-Ameer to Wadi Zarqa Ma’in

Iraq Al-Ameer to Wadi Zarqa Ma’in

Here you leave the more northern regions and Amman behind and head towards the Dead Sea. Walk past the ancient palace of Iraq Al-Ameer before descending along the spectacular King Hussein’s Rally Road to the Jordan Valley. The climate and scenery changes as the Dead Sea looms from a plateau and Bedouin camps scatter the path. The trail now follows a roman road, encountering basalt cliffs and Wadi Zarqa Ma’in with its year-round stream.

Total Length: 58.8 KM Days: 3 Hiking days 

Main sites in the region:

- Fuhais

- Iraq Al-Ameer, Qaser Al Abed and Burial Caves

- Iraq Al-Ameer Women’s Cooperative

- Mount Nebo

- Roman Road

- The Dead Sea canyons of Wadi Zarqa Ma'in and Wadi Wala


Experiences From Travellers