Dead Sea

A spectacular natural wonder, the Dead Sea, located 427 meters below sea level, is perfect for wellness tourism and family fun in the sun. The leading attraction at the Dead Sea is the warm, soothing, super salty water itself – some ten times saltier than sea water, and rich in chloride salts of magnesium, sodium, potassium, bromine, and several others. Additionally, the atmospheric oxygen concentration at the Dead Sea is higher than in most other places on Earth, contributing to its health benefits. The unusually warm, incredibly buoyant, and mineral-rich waters have attracted visitors since ancient times, including notable historical figures like King Herod the Great and Cleopatra. Visitors have luxuriated in the Dead Sea's rich, black, stimulating mud and floated effortlessly on their backs while soaking up the water's healthy minerals along with the gently diffused rays of the Jordanian sun. Additionally, the baptism site is located very close to the Dead Sea, adding to the area's historical significance. 

The Baptism Site (Al-Maghtas)

Al-Maghtas, the Baptism Site of Jesus of Nazareth, signifies a landmark moment of the origin of Christianity. Religious and non-religious tourists alike will walk through a peaceful path of gorgeous Dead Sea vegetation to the location where Jesus was Baptised by John The Baptist. Located nine kilometers to the north of the Dead Sea visitors will have the pleasure of viewing sites built during the Roman and Byzantine empires. Al Maghtas is listed on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List. 

Entrance Fees:

Jordanians 3 JDs

Nationals of Arab League Countries 5 JDs

Other Nationalities 12 JDs

Price includes shuttle bus to side + local guide 



Safi Crafts

In association with the Ghor Al Safi Women’s Association for Social Development, the Safi Crafts center boasts a mixture of art, heritage, and community designed to advertise the colorfully made handicrafts of 15 local women. With operating hours from 8am to 2pm visitors can purchase soulfully made handicrafts while contributing to the economic development of local Jordanian communities; what’s better than that? 



The Lowest Point on Earth Museum & Lot’s Cave

This small museum near the Dead Sea is a wonder in and of itself with its unique location and interesting collection of artifacts. Located at the lowest point on Earth the museum hosts a collection of materials from Lot’s cave (located just up the hill from the museum) and amazingly preserved Graeco-Roman clothing in addition to hundreds of Greek inscriptions.  While visiting the museum, the walk up to Lot’s cave is highly recommended. This cave is believed to be where the Prophet Lot escaped to following the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. The cave is believed to have been transformed into a church and the intricate mosaic floor can still be seen today. 


Hot Springs

Visitors to the Dead Sea should also take advantage of another nearby wonder, Hammamat Ma’in (Ma’in Hot Springs). Popular with both locals and tourists alike, the springs are located 264m below sea level in one of the most breathtaking desert oases in the world. Thousands of visiting bathers come each year to enjoy the mineral-rich waters of these hyper-thermal waterfalls. These falls originate from winter rainfalls in the highland plains of Jordan and eventually feed the 109 hot and cold springs in the valley. This water is heated to temperatures of up to 63° Celsius by underground lava fissures as it makes its way through the valley before emptying into the Zarqa River.

Contact information/ how to book: 
Ma’in Hot Springs Hotel is currently the only hotel near the springs
Telephone: 00962 5 3245500


Experiences From Travellers